What is Happening at Valley Meeting?
Work began December 10, 2018 and our new septic tank system was completed on December 17! Nice work!
The tree is up!
The stage is set!
Rehearsal is done! Under studies are selected. We are ready for the program December 16!
Work begins December 10, 2018 (a week earlier than expected) and we will soon have a new waste water system!
Photoshop work on our Christmas picture is complete and we are ready to print and mail.
The picture for our Christmas card was taken November 18. Several people were absent, but we have captured them for yet another Photoshop extravaganza. When Graham is done with that adventure, the picture will go to press and be published here.
CM Kristman was selected and Meeting Approved the expenditure. Construction begins December 17, 2018.
CM Kristman returned September 25 and filled in the test holes for the new waste water system. Thank you to Maria Damato for taking care of this!
Waste water system update, September 21, 2018. On the last day of summer Graham met with Ferdinand from CM Kristman. Ferdinand explained the layout of the designed system. It is very discreet and should not disrupt the gardeners or the playground in any way. He also took pictures of our electrical panel in the basement to figure out the easiest way to connect the electricity to the pump needed for the system.
He and the company are working on a proposal for us which cannot be delivered until Chester County approves the design. He is going to call the county to get an update.St. Mary’s drive: All items were delivered to them on September 18. Thanks to everyone for making this a success.
Waste water system update, September 18, 2018: CM Kristman has completed the design of our new system. We await approval of the design by Chester County. Then we can get estimates for the work.
Waste water system update, September 6, 2018: We failed our percolation test at 3 feet. We passed our percolation test at 5 feet. Design begins!
September 5, 2018 - Valley welcomes Singing the Wind hosting their 10 week, Wednesday evening course Coming Home to Yourself - Claiming the Goddess Within.
Pit testing began today in preparation for our new waste water system. They dug some amazing pits!
Several of these pits were dug to be able to test the soil for drainage capabilities. The digging took place in the field in front of the gardens.
As you can see the pits were deep!
Credit card and debit card donations are now accepted on our Donate page. This is a secure, encrypted site.
Tree work on the Meeting House Grounds was completed September 4, 2018.
Spiritual Deepening eRetreats
Spiritual growth is linked to community, and a Spiritual Deepening eRetreat connects you with other curious seekers in an online exploration of Quaker thought, a deepening of your own spiritual practices, and the sharing of stories from your life and your personal journeys. Each eRetreat is facilitated by a deeply grounded Quaker.
Each week, there will be a new topic with videos, quotations, and activities, and you'll be able to engage at your own time and pace. You'll connect with other participants through private discussion boards and one optional video chat session. Participants are encouraged to explore a personal spiritual practice during the eRetreat. Learn more below!
2018 eRetreat Schedule
September 9, 2018: Becoming Patterns & Examples eRetreat (4 weeks)
September 16, 2018: NEW! Silence & Light for Young Adult Friends (8 weeks)
October 14, 2018: Understanding and Healing White Supremacy eRetreat (4 weeks)
August 19, 2018: New attenders at Meeting today!
Oops! The recent storms took their toll on the Burial Ground gates and pillars!
August 14, 2018: Marc and Graham moved the fallen gate (Wow! was that heavy!) up next to the still standing gate. (Tap the image to scroll.)
The insurance company has been called and they initially said that we are not covered for property damage outside due to water. However, the claims adjuster has came out to see the damage on August 22 and will prepare an estimate.
We have found 3 iron workers to do the repairs. 2 of the three have gotten back to us, have been supplied with pictures, and are scheduling estimate visits.
DeVito Brothers in Ardmore came out on Saturday, August 18, to have a look. They are preparing an estimate.
Anvil Welding & Fabrication, LLC. got back to us August 21 and are scheduling an evaluation in the near future.
Meeting for Business was held August 12, 2018. Keeping things heated, Graham Dawson provided the habanero tomato salsa and the jalapeño salsa verde. All provided good input. Look to receive the minutes via our listserv. If you are not on our listserv and wish to be, send an email to us at TheLight@valleymeeting.org
Our fund drive for St. Mary's Franciscan Shelter for Homeless Families, in Phoenixville is under way. We are looking to have by September 15 a good supply of:
NEW PILLOWS and pillowcases, as always. ALL new residents receive a fresh new pillow and take it with them when they move on to their new life.
NEW cotton bath/shower mats with hand towels that match, please? St. Mary's has just completed a new bathroom in the residence! Preferred colors are blue and brown. Any shade of blue or brown. The bath mats should not have rubber-backing.
Cans of bathroom deodorizer, like Febreeze or Lysol.
New crayons for the kids there.
Friends General Conference Spiritual Deepening eRetreats begin September 9, 2018
Sign up at least 3 weeks ahead of time at
Spiritual Deepening Email List
Tree work in the Burial Ground was done July 30 - July 31. It looks well cared for.
Tree work on the Meeting House Grounds and Meditation Garden will begin in September.
bREAKFAST - 7/29
Fifth Sunday and that was one yummy breakfast at 9AM and a leftover luncheon after Meeting for Worship.
Thanks to all who brought:
Lox and whitefish salad, fresh bagels, cream cheese spreads, sliced tomatoes/onions/cucumbers; fresh muffins; Egg Veggie Cheese Casserole, quiches, salad, Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea, Fresh Lemonade.
Thank you Amy Dawson and Susan Becker for making it happen!
In a "called meeting" on June 24, 2018, The Valley Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends approved this Minute.
Yes, as of July 26, we have a new Website! This site should now fit on whatever device you use, PC's MAC's, Linux, Android, iPhones, and Tablets. Enjoy!
July 15, 2018, after Meeting for Worship we created the "Reunite Families" clothesline while watching the World Cup Final. Storms keep trying to blow it down, but it keeps going back up again.
Work is being done to align our listserv with the mailing list.
Our calendar here on this website is now complete through December and is updated as events are scheduled.
Waste water system: We are putting in a new septic tank system. Testing begins September 4.
Find us on Facebook and Instagram by clicking the social media icons below!
Last updated December 28, 2018